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Genesis - Supper's Ready

Clocking in at nearly 23 minutes, Supper's Ready was the first extended composition that Genesis attempted in the studio. It appeared on 1972's Foxtrot. With Steve Hackett's ornate and chiming guitars, Tony Banks classical sounding keys, Phil Collins' athletic drumming (hitting 9/8 in section VI) and, of course, Peter Gabriel's dramatic voice -- lifting from an ethereal hush to a fantastic shriek throughout, it's a prog-rock masterpiece. This was Genesis firing on all cylinders. They were in their formative stage as a band and in love with composing together. Ultimately, the tune would provide a perfect opportunity for Gabriel to develop costumes and portray a host of fanciful characters, including a giant daisy (pictured here).

Lyrically, the song is expansive, dealing with themes of good and evil, particularly allusions to the Book of Revelations. Gabriel based the lyrics for the first section, Lover's Leap, on two otherworldly experiences. On one occasion, his wife, during a late night conversation, began speaking in a voice (not her own). Gabriel quickly formed a cross with a candlestick and another object, to which she responded erratically. Eventually she calmed down and was taken to bed. Sometime later, while looking out the window of his inlaws' house, he saw a lawn that was entirely different than the actual view (like an alternate reality). Across the lawn... seven hooded figures crossed. Yikes! Both of these experiences figure into the opening lyrics. I love this song, but some of the imagery definitely spooks me. It's some of Gabriel's freakiest.

Supper's Ready is one of those rock epics that you can listen to repeatedly. With each listen, a new layer, sound or lyric strikes you. Today, the song might seem pretentious or overly ambitious. However, when you consider the era in which it was conceived, it's easier to appreciate the adventurous nature of the music.

The song contains seven distinct sections:
I: "Lover's Leap" (0:00 - 3:47)
II: "The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man" (3:48 - 5:43)
III: "Ikhnaton and Itsacon and Their Band of Merry Men" (5:44 - 9:42)
IV: "How Dare I Be So Beautiful?" (9:43 - 11:04)
V: "Willow Farm" (11:05 - 15:36)
VI: "Apocalypse in 9/8 (Co-Starring the Delicious Talents of Gabble Ratchet)" (15:36 - 20:50)
VII: "As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)" (20:51 - 22:54)

Supper's Ready! Press play and begin your first course.


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