I've always loved glam rock -- Bowie, The New York Dolls, Mott The Hoople, Queen, T. Rex. The flamboyant and gender-bending style. The attitude, sparkly and swagger. The first time I heard Sweet was Fox On The Run. It was my favorite song on the Dazed and Confused Soundtrack. I think it was the swirling, bubbling synthesizer that drew me in. At the time I had no idea that Sweet was a part of the 1970s glam world. Later, I found out that they sang Ballroom Blitz. That's the same band? Then, in college, I bought Action and fell in love with tunes like Lady Starlight and the title track. As I pieced together their discography (in a pre-Internet age), I noticed that the band's sound inexplicably wavered between hard rock, glam and bubble-gum pop. I could never put my finger on what Sweet was all about. I just loved a lot of their songs.
This week, I picked up a copy of their 1977 album, Level Headed. The album is anything but steady (as the title would have you believe). Each song seems to be a world of its own: hard rock a la Cheap Trick, Bolanesque acoustic numbers and then... disco. Capitol Records' A&R folks must have been shaking their heads when it came to this LP.
In the end, the unsteady and unpredictable nature of the album is what I love. But, it is the final song on side A that I absolutely love: Love Is Like Oxygen. This song is a perfect statement about major label rock & roll at the close of the 70s. It was confused, sometimes desperate and experimenting with its own identity as a means of survival, often unsuccessfully. It is the glorious, final pop hit of a band in the midst of an identity crisis. It scored a top ten hit in several countries, including Finland! Love Is Like Oxygen is as perfect a swan song as you're ever gonna hear.
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